Saturday, July 4, 2009

3 Days to Bald...and Isa's story

In 3 days, I will go bald! And the hubs is joining me!!

3 days. And I know they'll fly by as I hurry to
-raise a few more hundred dollars,
-get interviewed for the Huntsville Times,
-take some cool photos with a friend of mine,
-train for the 5k
-coordinate who is running with us (CCW, SarahLena, JohnMichael...anyone else??)
and who is shaving their heads (Me, Sandy...anyone else??)
-prep my boys so they won't freak out when Momma and Daddy BOTH shave their heads!

And while I'm doing all that, I'm taking the 4yo to swim lessons, keeping the house super clean for prospective buyers, planning fun stuff to do with our niece while she visits next week, learning lines and choreography for Urinetown: the Musical, going to rehearsals, doing laundry, yadda yadda yadda...

But you know what's NOT on there?
Taking one of my children to chemotherapy.

That puts everything into perspective...

I recently discovered a blog in which a mother describes that day with moving detail and photographs. The title of the post?

But what rings through her head during those days is the advice a stranger on a restaurant patio once gave her after watching her juggle her three children, dinner and conversation with her husband.

The days are long, but the years are short.

It's something that I think every parent tries to remember. Hold on to every little moment, because these babies grow fast. As my best friend says, "Children have a nasty habit of growing up." Oh, yes, and they do it when you're not looking.

But a parent whose child is sick? A parent who fears JUST how short the years may be? ...

Excuse me while I go hug my boys even tighter.

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